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ISA certification provides an objective, third-party assessment and confirmation of a person's skills, and gives them the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and be recognized. ISA currently offers two certification programs: Certified Automation Professional® (CAP®) and Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®).

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FIELD TRAINING OFFICERS MANUAL 8 six-day rotations within the phase. If a probationary officer is excelling in the phase then after 2 six-day rotations they may advance to the next phase with approval from the Field Training Unit. Phase Two is a 153-hour phase taught over the course of 3 six-day rotations. EAST HARLEM, Manhattan — It's a tough time to get a job right now, but a new program is helping dozens of New York City Housing Authority residents in East Harlem land jobs in the medical field.

Certification is a formal recognition of individuals who have demonstrated proficiency within, and comprehension of, a specialized body of knowledge at a particular point in time. Generally, qualification criteria for such programs include specific requirements of education, experience, and examination. Certification is not a license to practice.

ISA's certification programs

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  • Set the standard for automation professionals and control systems technicians
  • Promote safety and improve productivity
  • Establish your professional credentials
  • Prepare you for additional job responsibilities
  • Improve ROI by impacting mission critical decisions
  • Prove that you're an automation leader
Certified Automation Professional® (CAP®) Program

Working in process automation and manufacturing automation industries around the globe, CAPs are responsible for the direction, definition, design, development/application, deployment, documentation, and support of systems, software, and equipment used in control systems, manufacturing information systems, systems integration, and operational consulting. CAPs are an elite group of automation professionals that have proven they possess an extensive knowledge of automation and controls. CAPs have documented evidence that they possess the expertise and qualifications to excel in their fields

ISA Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) ProgramField training 2 ali jinnah

Working in dozens of different industries worldwide, CCSTs calibrate, document, troubleshoot, and repair/replace instrumentation for systems that measure and control level, temperature, pressure, flow, and other process variables. Many companies prefer candidates with a CCST certification because they can trust their documented knowledge of automation and control systems.

ISA Recognition Programs

ISA's recognition programs offer students and professionals new to the field an opportunity to be recognized for knowledge, skills, and interest in automation careers. These programs serve as a great introduction to an eventual certification and can offer applicants a way to stand out from the crowd while gaining the experience required for a CAP® or CCST® certification. ISA offers two recognition programs:

ISA's Support of the CSE License Program

ISA supports the Control Systems Engineer (CSE) License, a specialized Professional Engineering (PE) license recognized in the United States for engineers in automation and control. ISA offers training courses and review materialsto help engineers prepare for the exams, which are offered by state boards in the US in October of each year.

ISA Certificate Programs

ISA has developed several certificate programs designed to increase knowledge and awareness of ISA’s industry-renowned safety and cybersecurity standards.

2aliField Training 2ali  Searching for the Certified Industrial Maintenance Mechanics (CIMM) Program?

The Certified Industrial Maintenance Mechanic (CIMM) certification program has been transferred to the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals and is now referred to as CMRT.

Keywords: educational technologies, competence approach, educational process, higher education, innovations, teaching methods, educational space


Today, Ukraine is at the stage of entering the world educational space, which requires changes both in the criteria for assessing the quality of education and in the methodology of the educational process, which is impossible without structural reform of the entire national higher education system. Among the main tasks facing higher education institutions are the following: guaranteeing the employment of future professionals not only in domestic but also in foreign markets in conditions of high competition, as well as providing conditions for professional mobility of graduates. The aim of modernization of higher education should be to combine the best achievements of Ukrainian and foreign experience in the field of personal education, which is able to actively assimilate and generate knowledge obtained from different sources and prone to independent action. An analysis of recent research and publications that address this issue and on which the authors rely. Problems of analysis and implementation of the latest educational technologies and methods for the implementation of the competency approach in the training of future professionals are in the scientific interest of modern domestic teachers, scientists and practitioners, including O.Ovcharuk, T. Turkot, G. Yelnikova, J. Delor, O Kovershnikov, O. Lokshina, L. Petrenko, O.Pometun, V. Radkevich, O. Savchenko, N. Gordenko, V. Andrushchenko, L. Sushchentseva, V.Yagupov and others. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the latest educational technologies and methods for implementing a competency-based approach in the training of future professionals. Determining the main activities of higher education, should focus on the organization of the educational process so that each student becomes a subject of self-development and self-organization, able to independently obtain information from various sources, analyze and assimilate it through research and cognitive activities within a competent approach. Thus, the reorganization of education on the principles of competence approach in the educational process should be based on the development of necessary competencies, using analytical and project thinking of the student, as well as motivational aspects and the student's desire to self-organize and acquire knowledge independently.



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Knowledge Economy, Innovative Economy

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